Running Past

Hello, daily dosers! Today I was definitely experiencing some nostalgia. As I ran for the third time this summer, I thought about how I used to do it everyday and how I classified myself as a “runner” just a few months ago. I don’t know if I can say the same for myself anymore.

It’s been hard running. If you’ve ever ran somewhat competitively for a few years and then suddenly stopped, you would understand what I’m going through. It’s hard to run. And it’s always been hard to run to some extent, but now it’s had to even run a mile. A mile. In totality this summer, I have ran four miles, which is really hard to admit considering the fact that summer is almost over. Just a few months ago, running four miles in a single run used to be easy. I used to look forward to that run.

It’s weird how time changes things.

That’s something I’ve been noticing a lot lately.

Quite honestly, it makes me sad. Now, when I’m running, I’m thinking about how my lungs hurt and how my legs feel like a tin can that needs oiled and how my body struggles to keep up with my mind; it makes me wonder why I ever stopped in the first place. Running, I mean. I used to love it at some point, right? Now I’m stuck a few months later ruminating over the fact that I used to love it and wondering why it can’t be the same anymore. Sometimes having your heart in the future and your mind in the past doesn’t always work out so well.

7 thoughts on “Running Past

  1. Alas, everything changes all the time. That’s a good thing! Imagine thinking and feeling and experiencing in the same way the exact same things over and over and over. That would be excruciatingly dull and completely unfulfilling. Change is good! It means growth! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, change can certainly be good! But it can also be hard…especially when it’s all happening at once! I suppose it has to happen at some point. 🙂


      1. Well, now, that’s certainly true. A huge amount of upheaval is always daunting and unsettling. But then you’ll figure out a new routine and you’ll soon be on your merry way!

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  2. After an injury the same thing has happened to me! I have ran 4 miles this summer barely can run a mile! I run xc every year and used to be able to run 20 minutes at a time it’s awful


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